Should you use Selank?
One thing that is certain about the effects of Selank is that we know relatively little about them. There is a lack of high-quality research, especially in healthy humans.
Because of the lack of research on Selank, we never recommend that people use it.
If you have already decided to use it, here are some guidelines to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks.
What time of day should you take Selank?
There's no high-quality human evidence available on the effects of Selank on sleep. There's no reason to believe Selank would impair sleep from a scientific perspective when considering its known biochemical mechanisms (although one study reported psychostimulating effects in humans [11]). In fact, its GABAergic effects suggest it could enhance relaxation and sleep.
Some users report that Selank is relaxing for them. If you use Selank and find it increases your alertness or is stimulating, consider not taking it in the evening to prevent impaired sleep.
Mindful and scientific self-experimentation with reliable and valid objective and subjective measures of sleep quality is the only way to find out if Selank impairs your sleep if taken in the evening.
Which chemical form of Selank should I use?
Semax is usually consumed in one of two different chemical forms:
- Selank
- N-Acetyl Selank Amidate
The reason some people use NA-Selank Amidate instead of the much more studied form, Selank, is because it is believed to improve the absorption of Selank in the brain.
Simple Selank is the chemical form most researched in humans, so we consider it the lowest risk form for now. There is, however, a severe lack of high-quality human safety and efficacy data on which to base decisions regarding which chemical form of Selank to use.
Did you know?
Tyrosine, Carnitine, and Semax are other nootropics sometimes consumed in acetylated chemical forms to improve brain absorption.
Which product form of Selank should I use?
Selank is usually consumed in the form of a nasal spray. Selank nasal spray products usually come with information about how much Selank is in one spray, or "pump".
It is reportedly an effective cognitive enhancer when administered intranasally, but much more high-quality research is needed on its efficacy before it can be known for sure if it actually works.
How much and how often should you dose Selank?
Since Selank studies are generally unavailable in full-text format, the dosages used in these studies are unknown.
Based on anecdotal reports of people posting how they use it online, 200-400mcg appears to result in the most benefits with minimal negative side effects.
How does Selank work?
The mechanisms of action of Selank have not yet been fully discovered by researchers.
Scientists have found that Selank can exert the following biological effects:
- Positively modulated GABA receptors (in brain cells) [17]
- Regulated inflammatory cytokines (in humans) [18]
- Increased levels of leu-enkephalin (also known as "opioids produced by the body", in humans with generalized anxiety disorder) [19]
- Positively allosterically modulated GABA receptors (in brain cells) [20][21]
- Increased norepinephrine (in the hypothalamus of mice) [22]
- Increased dopamine metabolites in frontal cortex and hippocampus of one strain of mice, but decreased dopamine metabolites in frontal cortex and hippocampus in another strain of mice [23]
- Decreased serotonin and serotonin metabolites (5-HIAA) in hippocampus (in mice) [24]
- Improved serotonin metabolism in rats with drug-induced impairment of serotonin metabolism [25]
- Activated the metabolism of serotonin in the hypothalamus and caudal brain stem (in rats)
Is Selank neuroprotective?
It is likely that the neuroprotective effects of Selank depend on what the factor that is damaging neurons in the brain is. For example, lack of oxygen or dangerously high glutamate levels in the brain can lead to increased neuronal death. Selank is likely going to protect your neurons from some forms of neurochemical toxicity but not from everything you might expose your brain to.
For example, it has been found that Selank normalized brain functioning in adult rats that had impaired functioning prior to Selank use due to lack of oxygen supply before they were born. [26]
How does it feel when you take Selank?
The following qualitative user experience reports and reviews are included to give you an understanding of what the experience of taking Selank is like.
Anecdotal Selank experience reports and reviews from Reddit
One person reported they used 100mcg NA-Selank nasal spray once a day at noon and experienced the following effects:
"I feel smarter, more articulate, anxiety free, and even my senses are increased e.g. my reflexes have been insane. I have been catching anything that falls or is projected at me and able to directly swat bugs without even looking or thinking about it. Seems abnormal to me.
Another significant change is my ability to not lose interest in a task. If I start something, I feel the motive to finish it." [27]
And another redditor said they experienced the following, with no side effects, from Selank:
"I have been experimenting with selank now for about a month. I am through 4 bottles at this time. I have also lightly dipped in to semax. I prefer selank. It really provides a fantastic clear, and calm feeling. It also seems to improve depression. I find that on days that I take selank. My inner dialogue is greatly reduced. I just simply do what i want to do without procrastination etc. If anyone has any questions. I would be glad to answer." [29]
One person reported reduced efficacy for anxiolysis after continued use, but another person reported a possible cumulative beneficial effect. [30][31]
Increased feelings of aggression were reported by one person. [32]
Social nervousness reduction was experienced by one user:
"Selank feels natural and like a gentle lift whereas before it always felt like I was treading water when interacting with people. It felt like it took way to much effort and it drained me mentally. With Selank, there's just such an ease and conversation flows without having to force it.
I was at an event over the weekend where I was around people for 12 hours, and not once did I 'poop-out', whereas before I would have really struggled after the first few hours. I realize I'm still in the first week, so we'll see, but it's very promising. No side effects really except for a little sleepiness but coffee helps and gives just enough punch to enhance my social state without introducing too much anxiety. Selank helps takes the edge off so to speak." [33]
And one person used it successfully for overcoming phobic aversion related to driving. [34]
Finally, one redditor said the following about their self-experiments with Selank:
"I have been taking Selank for two weeks now, probably spraying it 1-2 times a day for 5-6 of the days in the week. It's been truly unbelievable at stabilizing my mood.
Probably one of the best options I've encountered in my nootropic experimentation thus far. I have experimented with it a lot in the past but never alone. It was almost always with Semax, and often with other things.
It's also quite a potent anxiolytic, which I know is known around here. It just doesn't get recommended enough.
I know mood instability is one of the things that plagues me the most and I see it around here fairly often. So before you try something like Tianeptine (which is effective but has many downsides), I'd recommend Selank." [36]