This nootropic has no healthy human placebo-controlled studies that meet our inclusion criteria. Negative side effects can occur if used carelessly, so make sure you’re aware of the risks of Methamphetamine.
The legality and side effects of Methamphetamine
You should always consider the risks of a nootropic before you use it.
Side effects
Supplements and drugs can interact with Methamphetamine to increase or decrease the positive or negative effects you experience. If you are already using any supplements or drugs, speak with your trusted medical professional before you experiment with Methamphetamine. To learn more about the potential interactions between Methamphetamine and other substances, use interaction-checker.
Is your country not included? Learn how to find out if Methamphetamine is legal in your country.
Legality Disclaimer
The contents herein are not legal advice or a substitute for legal counsel. information is not intended to create, and receipt of it does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. While we have done our best to be as accurate as possible in the information we convey to you about the legality of nootropics, there is a risk for inaccuracies and errors. If you’re uncertain about the legality of any of your actions, contact a legal counsel or your local authorities governing the legality of various substances you may want to use/import/travel with.
Studies conducted on the effects of Methamphetamine in healthy humans
No placebo-controlled trials on healthy humans that meet our inclusion criteria have been conducted on Methamphetamine.
"In the laboratory, acute methamphetamine led to significantly higher positive moods. However, against expectations, MDMA did not generate a significant increase in positive moods."
"For adequate sleepers, METH (20 mg) administered before encoding significantly improved memory accuracy relative to placebo, especially for emotional (positive and negative), compared to neutral, stimuli. For poor sleepers in the encoding group, METH impaired memory."
"The pattern of methamphetamine's positive subjective effects were altered with chronic administration such that tolerance, or a decreased effect, occurred after repeated administration. In contrast, methamphetamine's negative subjective effects increased over days."
"Administering methamphetamine to healthy volunteers, although inducing mild psychotic-like symptoms, did not result in hasty decision-making ..."
"These results demonstrate that acute stress can dampen subjective responses to a low dose of METH, but these effects are short-lived."
Last updated Saturday, June 10, 2023