Other names 3,4-Methyl?enedioxy?methamphetamine
This nootropic has no healthy human placebo-controlled studies that meet our inclusion criteria. Negative side effects can occur if used carelessly, so make sure you’re aware of the risks of MDMA.
The legality and side effects of MDMA
You should always consider the risks of a nootropic before you use it.
Side effects
Supplements and drugs can interact with MDMA to increase or decrease the positive or negative effects you experience. If you are already using any supplements or drugs, speak with your trusted medical professional before you experiment with MDMA. To learn more about the potential interactions between MDMA and other substances, use interaction-checker.
Is your country not included? Learn how to find out if MDMA is legal in your country.
Legality Disclaimer
The contents herein are not legal advice or a substitute for legal counsel. information is not intended to create, and receipt of it does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. While we have done our best to be as accurate as possible in the information we convey to you about the legality of nootropics, there is a risk for inaccuracies and errors. If you’re uncertain about the legality of any of your actions, contact a legal counsel or your local authorities governing the legality of various substances you may want to use/import/travel with.
Studies conducted on the effects of MDMA in healthy humans
No placebo-controlled trials on healthy humans that meet our inclusion criteria have been conducted on MDMA.
"... moderate MDMA use does not lead to persistent impairments above and beyond that associated with generally heavy drug use ..."
"In the laboratory, acute methamphetamine led to significantly higher positive moods. However, against expectations, MDMA did not generate a significant increase in positive moods."
"MDMA enhanced emotional empathy for positive emotionally charged situations in the MET and tended to reduce the recognition of sad faces in the Facial Emotion Recognition Task. MDMA had no effects on cognitive empathy in the Multifaceted Empathy Test or social cognitive inferences in the Movie for the Assessment of Social Cognition. MDMA produced subjective 'empathogenic' effects, such as drug liking, closeness to others, openness and trust. In contrast, methylphenidate lacked such subjective effects and did not alter emotional processing, empathy or mental perspective-taking. MDMA but not methylphenidate increased the plasma levels of oxytocin and prolactin. None of the drugs influenced moral judgment."
"Methylphenidate, but not MDMA, increased ratings of sexual arousal for explicit sexual stimuli. The participants also sought to increase the presentation time of implicit sexual stimuli by button press after methylphenidate treatment compared with placebo."
Remembering tasks to do after a long delay was impaired in people who had used ecstasy 10 or more times in their life compared with non-users
"In the laboratory, acute methamphetamine led to significantly higher positive moods. However, against expectations, MDMA did not generate a significant increase in positive moods."
"The MDMA effects on emotional empathy were stable across laboratories and doses. Sex did not play a moderating role in this effect, and oxytocin levels, trait empathy and drug use history were also unrelated."
"In summary, the short-term administration of MDMA produced marked euphoria, a slight impairment in the performance of psychomotor tasks, and mild changes in body perceptions without hallucinations."
"MDMA displayed both sedative- and stimulant-like effects, including increased self-report anxiety. At the same time, MDMA positively altered evaluation of the self (i.e. increasing feelings of authenticity) while decreasing concerns about negative evaluation by others (i.e. decreasing social anxiety). Consistent with these feelings, MDMA increased how comfortable participants felt describing emotional memories. Overall, MDMA produced a prosocial syndrome that seemed to facilitate emotional disclosure ..."
"MDMA increased ‘empathogenic’ feelings, but it reduced accurate identification of threat-related facial emotional signals in others, findings consistent with increased social approach behavior, rather than empathy. This effect of MDMA on social cognition has implications for both recreational and therapeutic use. In recreational users, acute drug effects may alter social risk-taking while intoxicated."
"In contrast, a typical recreational dose of MDMA (1.7 mg/kg, orally) increased prepulse inhibition in subjects experiencing robust psychological effects."
"MDMA moderated the impairing effects of a low dose of alcohol on road tracking performance but it could not overcome alcohol-induced impairment on other aspects of driving behavior or driving related performance."
"The reported subjective effects of MDMA matched the entactogenic profile. Although interest in the action of MDMA is considerable, the existing knowledge about the cognitive effects of MDMA in humans is still rather limited and further research into the drug's effects is recommended, also in view of potential therapeutic uses of the drug."
"The present data raise concern that use of ecstasy possibly in conjunction with cannabis may lead to cognitive decline in otherwise healthy young people. Although the nature of the emerging cognitive disturbance is not yet clear, an impairment of working memory might be the common denominator underlying or contributing to declines of performance in various tasks."
"This study provides the first clear evidence that stimulant drugs can preferentially strengthen, and cannabinoids can preferentially impair, memory for emotional events in humans."
"MDMA enhanced explicit and implicit emotional empathy in the MET and increased prosocial behavior in the SVO test in men. MDMA did not alter cognitive empathy in the MET but impaired the identification of negative emotions, including fearful, angry and sad faces, in the FERT, particularly in women. [...] MDMA sex-specifically altered the recognition of emotions, emotional empathy and prosociality. These effects likely enhance sociability when MDMA is used recreationally and may be useful when MDMA is administered in conjunction with psychotherapy in patients with social dysfunction or post-traumatic stress disorder."
"Despite the cognitive enhancement effects of 600 mg modafinil in healthy people, potential adverse effects on emotion processing should be considered." No effect was seen from MDMA or Methylphenidate as regards fearful emotional processing.
Last updated Saturday, June 10, 2023